If you are looking to make any type of healthy lifestyle change (physical, mental or spiritual), I invite you to consider setting intentions.

Upon the start of a new year, many people commit to making this year "the best year of my life!" Ready to jump into action, commitments are made. A common tradition in the Western World is to make a New Year resolution in which, a person resolves to accomplish a personal goal, change or improve an undesired trait or behavior, or otherwise at the beginning of a calendar year.
Making a New Year resolution is one way to set a goal and start the year fresh however this year, if you are trying to make any type of healthy lifestyle change (physical, mental or spiritual), I invite you to consider starting with setting an intention instead.
What is an Intention?
An intention is a thing intended; an aim or plan. An intention is a statement of what you want to create or experience in your life. I like to set intentions for the New Year instead of resolutions because it feels more inspiring and empowering. Sometimes, it can feel like life is happening “to” you. By setting intentions, you may find you’re able to live more purposefully and stay focused towards making progress towards what matters most to you in your life.
What is a Resolution?
A resolution in simple terms is a firm decision to do or not to do something. Resolutions focus on outcomes while intentions are more about process. Some common examples of New Year resolutions are:
"Exercise more"
"Quit smoking"
"Be more positive"
"Spend less money"
And the list goes on. Setting a resolution with an outcome based goal is a great idea for many reasons, however consider this ~ instead of setting a resolution to "exercise every day" or "lose 20 lbs", doesn't it feel better to create a more empowering intention such as "to feel healthy and strong in my physical/mental/emotional body" ? Setting an intention allows you to feel good and helps you determine the actions and mindset that will support you in living this intention. Creating multiple intentions evokes even more clarity and purpose towards creating the life you love and will bring even more abundance into your life.
Setting Intentions
Setting intentions is an ongoing mindful practice, not something to be “accomplished.” Setting an intention is like drawing a map of where you wish to go ~ it becomes the motivation behind your visions and goals. Setting intentions is a powerful tool that you can use to focus your thoughts and energy on what you want to manifest. Intentions should always be positive, uplifting and always in the present tense:
"I intend to live my life with purpose and meaning"
"I intend to live in alignment with my values"
"I intend to let go of all that no longer serves me"
To get started, I recommend reflecting on the past year. Identify all the low lights and all the highlights. Take your time. Write them down. When you are finished, take some time to read through each item and ask yourself "what did I learn?" "how can I improve?". Write it down. Then ask yourself "how did it make me feel?" "is there anything I still need to heal?" Write it down.
Reflection is important to help you identify the areas you wish to improve upon. It allows the time needed to process all the information that makes up who you think you are. Who you think you are, is made up from the stories you tell yourself. The narrative in your head. Feelings and emotions are modulate by these stories. In turn, your feelings and emotions become part of your stories. Who you think you are is also a reflection of who you think others think you are. So you can see why some time is needed for processing. If you are seeking to make changes, it's helpful to look back at the good, the bad and the ugly. Throughout this process and in your own time, you can also learn to accept and love yourself, exactly as you are. Loving and accepting who we are is all important to evolve and experience the goodness of others.
You can heal by letting go of things that no longer serve you, including old stories, narratives and outworn values. There may times when it may not be comfortable, but you will get through it and you're going to grow. I promise!
Lastly, you must remember to celebrate how far you've come! All the victories, big and small. Don't worry about how long it took you to get wherever you thought you 'should' be. You are in the perfect place on your perfect journey! You are worthy of all the happiness you seek. You already have everything you need to live a happy life.
Setting intentions is an ongoing mindful practice, not something to be "accomplished".
How to Set an Intention in 4-Steps
Many people may already have an intention in mind they wish to set. If not, try following these 4 easy steps on how to set an intention:
1. Set your intention
Grab a piece of paper and something to write with and find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably:
Sit up straight, making sure both your feet are fully flat on the floor
Close your eyes
Slowly take breath a deep breath in and out 3 times
Think about all you wish to create or experience in your life
Start to think about how each experience would make you feel, as if you have already accomplished all that you set out to become or do.
You are living your dream! "Do you feel proud? Accomplished? More at peace? Fulfilled?"
Are you smiling?
Let the feeling of happiness in
Allow the happiness to overwhelm you with emotions
Keep smiling
When you're ready, slowly take 3 more breaths in and out
Keep smiling and open your eyes
Take one more big breath in and out and find your piece of paper. It is now time to write down your intentions! You should be feeling really good about now.
Start each intention with "I intend..."
Keep your intentions positive
Be courageous and set as many intentions as you like
Hang the paper somewhere you will see it every day
Congratulations ~ you've finished setting your intention(s) for the year!
2. Determine actions & mindset you can take which support your intention
Now that you have set your intention(s), comes the effort. Now remember, intentions are more about the process (not outcome). You should already be excited about the intentions you have set for yourself, so hopefully you will find this step fun and easy. Use the back of your paper or find another piece and make a list with 2 columns. Label one column 'Actions' and the other 'Mindset' . Read the intentions you set out loud. Ask yourself "What steps can I take to support myself through this process?". Write them down. These steps can be behavioral or action based. Keep each step or action small and if the action is goal based, make sure it is achievable. If it's not, break it down into smaller, achievable steps.
3. Track your progress
Tracking your progress is an equally important step as setting your intentions. Tracking your progress helps you feel accomplished and can be achieved in different ways. Documenting or making notes is helpful to identify any trends and behaviours. You can then review, course correct and make small tweaks or changes when needed. Calendars, daily planners and to-do lists are helpful with tracking your progress. Regardless if you check a box, add a smiley face on a calendar or mark a task 'complete' on a list, physically logging your activities increases your sense of accomplishment, thereby raising your self-worth and confidence.
We all know time goes by quickly and we all know a good routine is essential to keep yourself motivated and focused. I know I feel excited when I have something to look forward to and having a calendar or visual aid to countdown towards milestones or dates keeps me motivated and productive!
4. Celebrate your success
As previously mentioned, you must remember to celebrate your success. Be sure to look back and see how far you've come regardless if you don't feel like you've accomplished all you have set out to do. Remember, setting intentions is an ongoing mindful practice, not something to be "accomplished.”
This year, one of the intentions I set for myself is to love myself more by taking better care of myself and focusing on self-love. I have multiple behaviours I am working on improving, but one item that I always strive for is to exercise more. Exercise is a fantastic and healthy activity of self-love but to be honest, I have yet to get started with this. I get down on myself because it's so easy to start. I do have a flexible schedule...so why haven't I started? :(
BUT here is where reading your intentions every day and tracking your progress is helpful and can help motivate you. Even though it is only one week into the new year and I feel like I had already failed myself, I was focusing on the one thing I hadn't done, without even acknowledging the things I had already accomplished. I took a look at my lists and there were a few things I had accomplished including completing a 5-day herbal cleanse, quitting drinking coffee and drinking alchohol...well, I don't keep wine in the house anymore ;) Now anyone who drinks coffee or wine will tell you that quitting these addictive habits in itself is a major accomplishment! So remember to celebrate your successes and go easy on yourself when you're trying something new...in fact, writing this blog post has motivated me to reach out to a friend I used to hike with. She enjoys exercise and being outdoors. She is also a great motivator! I sent her a message and have already heard back from her. We have plans for a beach walk later this week!
Your life only gets better when you do. Work on yourself and the rest will follow.
Live With Intent
Begin each day reminding yourself of your intention(s). Read your list aloud first thing each morning, before or as soon as you get out of bed. Speak your words with clarity and conviction to help stay in touch with your intentions as you move through the day. Remember to strive for progress, not perfection. Setting intentions is tool which is best used in combination with other self-improvement techniques, such as writing a gratitude list, daily affirmations, visualization, meditation or goal-setting.
Happy New Year!
I wish each and every one of you a very Happy New Year! May it be filled with positive intentions and unexpected blessings for outcomes. 2023 is a year of healing, success and joy. You will achieve everything you put your mind to. You will find peace and will grow into the best version of yourself so, get ready for your best year yet!